وقت شما بخیر. سوالم این است که در سایت اداره مهاجرت کانادا که ثبت نام کردم جایی برای کاورلتر نبود ولی دوستان میگن باید حتما کاورلتر باشه.

خواستم نظر شما رو بدونم و یک نمونه از کاورلتر برام بزارید

ارزیابیمشاوره اختصاصی - درخواست سرویس

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2 پاسخ

با درود و احترام

کاورلتر از ضروریات است وبدون کاورلتر احتمال ریجکتی ویزا بیشتر میشه. واقعا امکان استفاده از یک کاورلتر برای همه وجود ندارد و هر پرونده یک کارلتر خاص خودش رو با توجه به شرایط متقاضی نیاز داره. برای سهولت کار یک نمونه کاور لتر برای شما در ادامه میزارم

سالم باشید

Guidelines for Writing the Purpose of Travel:
 Clarity: Clearly mention the reason for your visit. It could be for tourism, visiting family or friends, attending a business meeting, etc.
Honesty: Always be truthful in your application. Misrepresenting facts can lead to visa denials or future travel restrictions.
Supporting Documents: If you have hotel bookings, tour bookings, invitation letters from family or friends, etc., make sure to mention them and attach them as evidence.
Guidelines for Writing the Travel Plan:
 Entry and Exit Dates: Clearly mention when you plan to enter and leave Canada.
Itinerary: List the places you plan to visit, hotels you'll stay in, and any tours or events you'll be attending.
Financial Planning: Mention how you plan to fund your trip. This could be through savings, support from someone in Canada, etc.
Ties to Home Country: Emphasize ties to your home country such as a job, family, property, etc., to reassure that you have reasons to return.
Sample Purpose of Travel and Travel Plan for a Visitor Visa Application:
 Purpose of Travel:
 I am applying for a visitor visa to Canada with the primary purpose of tourism. Having always been captivated by the natural beauty and rich cultural history of Canada, I intend to explore its major cities and attractions. Specifically, I'm eager to experience the cultural vibrancy of Toronto, the historic charm of Quebec City, and the natural wonders of Banff National Park. During my visit, I also plan to meet my cousin, John Doe, who resides in Vancouver. He has invited me to stay with him for a few days, and I've attached an invitation letter from him for your reference.
Travel Plan:
Entry Date: September 1, 2023
Exit Date: September 21, 2023
September 1-5: Explore Toronto. Staying at [Hotel Name, Address].
September 6-9: Visit Quebec City. Accommodation booked at [Hotel Name, Address].
September 10-14: Experience Banff National Park and surroundings. Residing at [Hotel Name, Address].
September 15-20: Stay with my cousin, John Doe, at [His Address, Vancouver].
September 21: Depart from Vancouver.
Financial Planning:
I have saved up enough funds to cover all my expenses during my visit to Canada. I've attached my recent bank statements as proof of financial capability.
Ties to Home Country:
I am currently employed at [Company Name] in [Your Country] and am due to return to work after my vacation. Additionally, my family, including my parents and siblings, are based in [Your Country], and I own a property in [City, Your Country]. I am fully committed to returning to [Your Country] upon the completion of my visit.
Make sure to customize the sample based on your specific situation and attach any relevant documents as required. Good luck with your application!

✅ پاسخ دهی و یا مشاوره ویژه: سریع، دقیق، اختصاصی

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پشتیبانی از گرین کارت خانوادگی

سوالات مشابه

1 پاسخ

به بزرگترین دانشنامه آنلاین مهاجران ایرانی خوش آمدید. این جا میتونی برای حل مشکلت سوال بپرسی و اگر تونستی به سوالات سایرین هم جواب بدهید تا مشکلشون حل بشه. همه ما اینجا به هم کمک میکنیم.

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