من برای تغییر سفارت درخواست دادم این جواب اومده. منظورش چیه؟ باید چیکارکنم؟ Thank you for your inquiry.

The DV interviewing Post for Iran is Abu Dhabi, Ankara, and Yerevan. You can find the website for that U.S. Embassy or Consulate, which will include information such as the address and hours of operation, via the usembassy.gov website. Click on the map there to find a list of links to websites for individual embassies and consulates.
Once the DS-260 for the Principal Applicant has been submitted, the interview location can only be updated by the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC). Please send your request to KCCDV@state.gov. You will need to include information that explains why you need the interview location changed. Unless they are in the U.S. and adjusting status, all applicants on the case will be scheduled for interview with the Principal Applicant. You should contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate directly to arrange separate interviews, if needed.

The place of application, i.e., location of interview, for noncitizens seeking an immigrant visa will normally be in the consular district with jurisdiction over their place of residence, with limited exceptions. If you need to change your interview location because your residency has changed, you will need to include the new address in your email along with your case number, Principal Applicant’s name, and complete date of birth in the following format (MMDDYYYY).  Also, you will also need to request that KCC unlock your DS-260, so that you can update your application with your new address.  (Please note that Post Office Boxes, general addresses without a fixed residence, and mailing addresses in care of another person are generally insufficient for purposes of this request, and that visiting family members, tourism, or vacationing do not justify a change of interview location.) These steps are not necessary if you are requesting a reassignment because your case is currently assigned to Embassy Kabul. For more

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ویزای توریستی آمریکا: در پنل پیشرفته مهاجرتی دانشنامه بامهاجر

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